“Pippin,”—a festively staged musical exploration of life’s endless search for human fulfillment—opens the 2024-25 main season at Oglebay Institute’s Towngate Theatre in Wheeling. This celebrated and much-loved musical is staged for two weekends—September 20, 21, 22 & 27, 28. Exploring Life's Transitions “‘Pippin’ explores the transition from adolescence to adulthood,...
By Phyllis Sigal Accomplishment. Blessing. Creativity. Community. Curiosity. Connection. Discovery. Expression. Freedom. Fulfillment. Growth. Inspiration. Insight. Liberation. Possibilities. Students and … Continue reading The ‘ABCs’ of Visual Art Classes at Stifel
By Phyllis Sigal Fifty years ago, Scott Klinkoski helped decorate a nutcracker-themed holiday room — it was the first time … Continue reading Decorator Lends Time & Talent for ‘Holidays at the Mansion’ for Five Decades