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About Capital Campaign

About The Campaign


Oglebay Institute’s $4.4 million Capital Campaign seeks to address critical priorities throughout the organization, including:

Stifel Fine Arts Center—roof replacement and associated restoration work ($1.675 million)
• Towngate Theatre—roof replacement and structural preservation priorities ($450,000)
Exhibit development and audience engagement ($310,000)
Endowment growth ($2 million)

Together, these investments will ensure that our community can continue to discover, explore, and create together through
shared experiences in visual and performing arts, dance, history, and nature. Your support, whether unrestricted or
designated, is essential to the successful completion of these projects and OI’s continued engagement of the people of the
Upper Ohio Valley and beyond.

About Oglebay Institute


For 90 years, Oglebay Institute (OI) has welcomed people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds to engage in authentic arts, nature, and cultural experiences. These experiences—a rare gift in a city the size of Wheeling—enrich our lives, connect us more deeply to the people and the world around us, and strengthen the fabric of our community.

At OI’s seven facilities and in school and community programs throughout the region, you learn in supportive environments, explore galleries and collections, and exhibit and sell your artwork. You perform on storied stages, hike nature trails, and enjoy countless opportunities for collaboration, camaraderie, and creative expression. These opportunities engage more than 70,000 residents and visitors each year and generate an economic impact of more than $4 million. 

As a driving force in the tourism market and with innovative, accessible programs that improve our local quality of life, OI is an integral part of the cultural vibrancy and economic vitality of our region. 

To learn more, visit

Our Venues

Stifel Fine Arts Center

Stifel Fine Arts Center

Housed in the historic Edemar Mansion, the Stifel Fine Arts Center is a treasure trove for artistic expression and personal fulfillment.  A public arts center with galleries, classrooms, and performance space, the Stifel Center serves as a gathering place for artists, emerging artists, art lovers, students, educators, and families – connecting and engaging the community in creative pursuits.

Learn more about Stifel Fine Arts Center by clicking here.

To learn how to support the Stifel Center, click here.

Oglebay Institute’s School of Dance

Oglebay Institute School of Dance

Since its founding in 1930, Oglebay Institute has recognized the importance of creative expression through movement and music. Dance, in all forms, has been a vibrant part of the Institute’s programming for more than eight decades. Oglebay Institute’s School of Dance presents dance as an art form and a means of self-expression and social interaction for all ages. From novice dancers to returning professionals, our students can immerse themselves in the art of dance at OI.

Learn more about Oglebay Institute’s School of Dance by clicking here.

Towngate Theatre

Towngate Theatre

A cornerstone of creative life in Wheeling, Towngate brings together people of all ages and backgrounds to create and experience art onstage. Through educational programs, community theater, and other live performances, Towngate fosters an appreciation for performing arts, celebrates the essential power of the theater to illuminate our common humanity, and serves as an entertainment destination for residents of the Ohio Valley and beyond.

Learn more about the Towngate Theatre by clicking here.

Learn how you can support the Towngate Theatre by clicking here.

Schrader Center

Schrader Environmental Education Center

At the Schrader Environmental Education Center nature enthusiasts experience a sense of community around a shared love of nature. By creating opportunities to celebrate and study West Virginia’s native habitats, Schrader Center programs initiate, reinforce, and extend people’s connection to nature through hands-on, science-based, interpretive experiences.

Learn more about the Schrader Center by clicking here.

The Museums of Oglebay Institute

Mansion Museum

The Museums of Oglebay Institute serve as a celebration of culture and history and a place to explore the past through artifacts, photos and heritage programs.

The 1846 Mansion Museum is the former home of Cleveland industrialist Earl W. Oglebay. With its impressive collection, permanent and changing exhibits, interactive educational programs and special events, the Mansion Museum enhances the appreciation and understanding of American decorative arts, fosters knowledge of Wheeling history and celebrates the legacy of the Oglebay family. It was the first accredited Museum in West Virginia and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Oglebay Institute’s Glass Museum honors the legacy of Wheeling-made glass and china through a world-class collection of more than 3,500 pieces. The famous Sweeney Punch Bowl, the largest piece of cut glass in the world, is a highlight of the museum. Visitors can also experience the art of glassmaking through live demonstrations and workshops in OI’s glass studio.

Learn more about The Museums of Oglebay Institute by clicking here.

Why support OI?

Oglebay Institute is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The programs you enjoy are supported by government and private foundation grants and gifts from individuals and businesses here in our community. This generosity ensures that we can offer your favorite OI opportunities at affordable prices while maintaining the high quality you expect. It also makes it possible for us to provide low- or no-cost experiences for students, schools, and other agencies throughout the region.