A strong endowment ensures that OI can continue to operate in service to our mission and our community, recruit and retain qualified and passionate staff, provide exceptional opportunities to our diverse audience, and maintain and improve our program facilities, including numerous historic buildings.
Gifts to the endowment are invested in stocks and other revenue-producing vehicles. The resulting funds support such priorities as:
- Capital maintenance at OI’s six local facilities, which are in constant use throughout the year
- Ensuring the quality, accessibility, and affordability of programs, including through scholarships
- Improving existing programs and developing new opportunities
- Pursuing professional development for nearly 100 full-time, part-time, and adjunct staff members
- Upgrading program and operational technology
Your endowment gift to OI today is an investment in the future of our nine-decade legacy of service to our community through arts, nature, and cultural programming.
Make A Gift Online
You may use our secure system to make a gift online now or for other ways to give click here for details.