Thanks to the financial support of the community, Oglebay Institute has been able to deliver exceptional programming in performing and visual arts, dance, history, and nature that spans the city and draws patrons from both sides of the river for over 87 years! Whether you’ve been participating for decades or have only just begun, we invite you to make a gift to OI’s Annual Fund so that we can continue to educate, entertain, and inspire!
Your contribution to OI’s Annual Fund will be invested in programs, facilities, and employees, helping to ensure that opportunities in the arts and nature remain affordable and accessible for more than 85,000 people of all ages and abilities every year.
Gift Designations
Has a particular program at Oglebay Institute had an impact in your life? Amplify that impact for current and future participants by designating your Annual Fund gift using the links below:
Monthly Giving
With automated monthly giving, your regular support will help sustain Oglebay Institute’s programs throughout the year. Designate your gift to the department of your choice or make a general donation to the Annual Fund. However you choose to give, you are enriching our community through arts, culture, and nature programs all year long.
Want to set up a different schedule for your recurring gift? Contact OI’s development office by phone at 304-242-4200 or by email to make arrangements.
Matching Gifts
Does your company match employee charitable contributions? If yes, you could double the impact of your gift to Oglebay Institute by talking to your employer today.
Offline Giving
You may also donate by phone at 304-242-4200 or by mail to:
Development Office
Oglebay Institute
1330 National Road
Wheeling, WV 26003
Please make checks payable to “Oglebay Institute” and note “Annual Fund” in the memo line.
Thank you for supporting what inspires you at Oglebay Institute!