Founded in 1929 by A.B. Brooks, Terra Alta Mountain Camp has served as a training ground for the country’s leading naturalists for more than 90 years. Bordering Terra Alta Lake, the camp covers 18 acres that include a wide variety of habitats from mature forests to open wetlands. Many exciting species of birds, flowering and non-flowering plants and other wildlife are found on the camp property.
Oglebay Institute’s Mountain Camp weekends offers the opportunity to explore, discover, and share in the rich and unique Appalachian highland habitat, both on-site and through day trips to surrounding areas. Through class discussions, lectures and field study, participants leave with a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world and the Appalachian region.
The staff at Terra Alta includes college professors, naturalists, and professional interpreters that strive to teach both beginners and experts. Camps are designed for those that are just beginning to explore nature as well as experienced naturalists that want to research new habitats, see new species, and experience an environment that celebrates learning, discussing, exploring, and protecting our world.
2025 Camping Experiences:
June 15-21, 2025: Mountain Nature Camp
Join us for the traditional, week-long residential Mountain Nature Camp or register for any combination of days.
Located on an 18-acre peninsula of rural Terra Alta Lake in Preston County, West Virginia, the camp covers a wide variety of habitats. Mature forests, open wetlands, a meadow and lake are home to many exciting species of birds, amphibians, flowering & non-flowering plants and other wildlife.
Classes throughout the week are led by naturalists and professional interpreters who are distinguished for their knowledge and ability to teach both beginners and experts. Topics and areas of study include Botany, Ornithology, Ecology and Natural History. Field trips to some of West Virginia’s most scenic and ecologically diverse locations are also a highlight of camp.
Guests can bring their own tent or make accommodations to stay at the nearby Alpine Lake Resort. Meals are provided daily at the Mountain Camp lodge. Stay the entire week or any combination of days.
View Course Details/Register
Ages: 18 & up
Meets: 1pm Sun., June 15 – 10am Sat., June 21
Begins: Sun., June 15
Duration: 7 days
Instructor(s): Schrader Center & Regional Naturalists
$425/$400 OI members (full week, per person)
$70 daily rate