Theater in Wheeling: Towngate is a Cornerstone of Creative Life
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1330 National Rd., Wheeling, WV

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Towngate Theatre presents "The Curious Savage"

fri04nov8:00 pmfri10:00 pmTowngate Theatre presents "The Curious Savage"

Event Details

“The Curious Savage” is a warm comedy that calls into question conventional definitions of sanity and champions kindness and affection over greed and dishonesty.

The production is part of the main stage season at Towngate Theatre in Wheeling.

Shows take place November 4, 5, 6 & 11, 12. Curtain is at 8pm Fridays and Saturdays. A 3pm matinee takes place Sunday, November 6.

About the Play

Elderly Mrs. Savage has inherited ten million dollars and intends to give the entire fortune away to people who wish to purse their “foolish dreams.” However, her greedy stepchildren have other plans and have her committed to a sanatorium. There, the caring residents become Mrs. Savage’s true family.

P.D. Gregg directs Towngate’s production. Cast members are Cathie Spencer, Karissa Martin, Wayne McCord, Destiny Robinson, John Papadimitriou, Dee Gregg, Frank Wilson, Jim Weekly, CJ Farnsworth, Makayla Carney, David Scherrick, and Rob Desantis.

Admission is $15($13 OI members). Purchase tickets online or call 304-242-7700.

Sponsored by Unified Bank.

2022-23 Towngate Theatre Main Stage Season

September 16, 17, 18 & 23, 24

“The Curious Savage”
November 4, 5, 6 & 11, 12

“Stones in His Pockets”
March 17, 18, 19 & 24, 25, 2023

“All My Sons”
May 5, 6, 7 & 12, 13, 2023

Experience the magic of art onstage…

Towngate is the premiere venue for community theater in Wheeling. Enjoy an intimate theater experience. Marvel at and applaud the talent of local actors. Experience a variety of though-provoking, heartwarming, comedic and historically significant works from renowned playwrights and talented newcomers. When watching a stage production, you are transported into a different world. Escape from reality and feel the energy created by sharing an intimate space with actors and fellow theatergoers. Live action happens right before your eyes. There’s no app for that!  Furthermore, theater is a social experience meant to be shared with one another. So, bring your family and friends and meet new friends, too. And, most importantly, support your local actors, directors, stage managers, set and costume designers. They spend months working to bring characters and stories to life. Their efforts produce amazing art time and time again.

Keeping the Community in Community Theater in Wheeling. . .

Towngate is a cornerstone of creative life in Wheeling and serves as an entertainment destination for residents of the Ohio Valley and beyond. People of all ages and backgrounds gather here to create and experience art onstage. Most of all, Towngate celebrates the essential power of theater to illuminate our common humanity. The community enjoys and participates in hundreds of live performances, classes and workshops year-round.


November 4, 2022 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm(GMT-04:00)


Towngate Theatre

2118 Market Street Wheeling WV 26003

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