Exhibit at Oglebayfest

Oglebayfest Artists' & Gourmet Markets

Oglebayfest is the largest arts festival in the greater Wheeling area. The Artists’ Market’s goal is to attract the best artists and crafters from throughout the tri-state region (and beyond) – and the Gourmet Market to attract the best specialty foods!

Oglebay Institute will be coordinating the Markets and jurying the show. High standards have been established that each artist must meet to be accepted, thus ensuring the integrity of the show.

The Phil Maxwell Artists’ and Gourmet Markets open the festival at noon on Friday. Saturday starts with the traditional Oglebayfest parade and ends with fireworks. The festival events continue through 5 p.m. on Sunday.

The Markets are located behind the historic Oglebay Institute Mansion Museum in scenic Oglebay Resort.

Artists' Market at Oglebayfest
Artists’ Market

Gourmet Market at Oglebayfest
Gourmet Market


Artists’ Market: This juried market is open to all artists who exhibit and sell work of original concept, design, and execution. Artist demonstrations are encouraged. No manufacturers or their representatives will be permitted to exhibit or sell at the Artist Market.

Gourmet Market: Items to be sold must be specialty food products that are not widely commercially available. The applicant must be the company owner or principal producer of the product(s) sold.

Up & Coming Artis Program: Offers artists with little to no experience in exhibiting at festivals free both space. See below for an application.

• No Commission on Sales
• Artist Dinner & Cash Awards
• Overnight Security (Thursday – Saturday)
• Booth Sitters
• Booth-side Loading & Unloading

Show Dates & Hours

October 3-5, 2025

Show Hours:
Noon – 7pm Friday, October 3
10am – 7pm Saturday, October 4
10am – 5pm Sunday, October 5

Set-Up Hours:
10am – 7pm Thursday, October 2
8am – 11:30am Friday, October 3

Show Requirements

  • All booths must be fully set-up and ready for customers by 12pm on Friday, October 3.
  • Exhibitors must set-up and dismantle their own displays and be present during show hours. Failure to show or staff booth during show hours will make exhibitors ineligible for future participation.
  • West Virginia Consumer Sales Tax must be collected on all sales and remitted to the state. A “special events” tax form will be e-mailed and provided at check-in.
  • Accepted exhibitors who cancel after September 1 will forfeit booth fee.
    Exhibitors agree to display, show and sell work of the same nature and quality as the images submitted for jurying.

Entry Process/Calendar

  • Entry applications must be submitted no later than May 31
  • Jury results will be e-mailed on June 26
  • Payment-in-full of all fees due upon acceptance into the Artists’ or Gourmet Market(s).
  • Payment in full of all booth space fees: August 1
  • Last day for refunds, if cancelling, is September 1
  • Click here for more information and to enter.
  • Need help setting up an account in CaFE (callforentry.org)? Call Stifel Fine Arts Center to make an appointment with Kevin Clancy or send him an email.
  • For information contact Rick Morgan at 304-242-7700 or via e-mail.