Exhibiting at the Stifel Fine Arts Center

Exhibiting at the Stifel Fine Arts Center

Oglebay Institute’s Stifel Fine Arts Center serves as a gathering place for artists of all ages and skill levels. Occupying both floors of this historic mansion, the Hart Galleries connect the community with the work of  local, regional and national artists.

With changing exhibits throughout the year, the Stifel Fine Arts Center offers multiple exhibiting and sales opportunities.

Not just a gallery, we nurture artists’ creative endeavors from concept to completion with multiple resources available on-site. We offer classes in our state-of-the-art pottery studio as well as classes in many visual arts disciplines. A matting & framing studio is also available to professionally present and hang your work.

Stifel Fine Arts Center
Stifel Fine Arts Center

The Hart Galleries - Stifel Fine Arts Center
The Hart Galleries

General Exhibiting Proposals

The Stifel Fine Arts Center presents individual, group and theme exhibitions in all artistic media and genre. Proposals are subject to inclusion into group exhibitions. A review panel of Stifel Fine Arts Center staff professionals will decide which proposals are accepted for exhibition. Decisions are made based upon the quality and appropriateness of the works.

Please note in your proposals if there are any special requirements or handling needed to present you work (i.e. if the work is very fragile, heavy, or requires display cases, pedestals, etc). Artists working in non-traditional mediums including video, installation, and performance are encouraged to submit proposals.

Proposals must include:
• Current résumé or vita
• 25 images submitted digitally of proposed artwork
• Cover letter with project outline
• Estimated number of works available for exhibition
• Educational workshops, lectures, demonstrations or other programs you can present (if any) relating to the exhibition

Send Proposals to: Director of Exhibitions

For questions and further inquiries, email the director of exhibitions or call 304-242-7700.

Exhibits open to public submissions:

Crosscurrents Art ExhibitionCrosscurrents

Crosscurrents is a juried multi-media exhibition featuring top regional artists. Each year, artists from all over the region compete for a chance to exhibit in this long-running annual show. Guest jurors then choose the works for the exhibit and cash prizes are awarded to winning artists.

Learn more here.

Apply here.

Oglebayfest Artists' & Gourmet MarketsOglebayfest

Oglebayfest is the largest arts festival in the greater Wheeling area, attracting the best regional artists, crafters and specialty food producers. Thousands of guests shop The Phil Maxwell Artists’ and Gourmet Markets annually the first full weekend of October, making it an ideal event to sell handcrafted goods of all kinds.

Other benefits to exhibiting at Oglebayfest include no commission on sales, cash awards for best of show, overnight security and more.

Oglebay Institute coordinates the juries each market with more than 90 booth spaces available.

Learn more here.

Apply here.

Oglebay Institute's Holiday Art Show & SaleHoliday Art Show & Sale

The annual Holiday Art Show & Sale is an extraordinary holiday shopping event featuring fine art and crafts from the region’s most talented artists. This exclusive six-week show provides an outstanding opportunity to sell to thousands of enthusiastic shoppers in TWO ideal locations – the historic Stifel Fine Arts Center and the Schrader Environmental Education Center in Oglebay Park.

Learn more here.

Earth & Fire

Earth & Fire is an annual national juried exhibition featuring a collection of pieces created from earth and fired for lasting form and beauty.

The show offers $7,000 total in cash prizes to artists, including a top prize of $4,000.

Earth & Fire is a part of Ceramics Take Over Wheeling—a citywide event that celebrates ceramic artists and clay enthusiasts alike. Various galleries in the “Friendly City” will showcase ceramic art during the months of February and March.

Sponsored by United Bank.

Learn more here.

Apply here.

Student ArtRegional Student Art Exhibition

This annual juried exhibition showcases students’ artistic achievements while providing an opportunity for their artwork to be displayed in a professional gallery. The exhibition is open to all students in grades 9-12 attending a high school, public or private, within a 50-mile radius of Wheeling, West Virginia.

Categories for entries include painting, drawing, photography, mixed media and 3-D. Cash prizes and scholarships to public and private universities provide a foundation for the future success and creativity of young artists. Resources, including a matting & framing studio, are also available to help students prepare to professionally exhibit their work.

Visit our calendar of events for exhibit dates. Call 304-242-7700 to book the framing studio and for more information.